Following my own advice

I have this philosophy about life that if you really want to change something about your life, the best (and only) way to go about it is by changing your habits. Move your house, stop smoking, start drinking more, or less, start drinking hot chocolate, walk instead of drive, install a new browser. Anything, really, related or unrelated to what you want to change. Apart from having proved the theory to myself over and over, I believe it works because changing one’s habits causes one’s daily neuron firings to change, which causes thoughts to changes, and which causes life to change. Not always exactly in the way expected, but any change is good, because it’s often the absence of change that is the problem.

The ‘problem’ wit my life was that things have been feeling, well, bleh. Partly because of the winter, but it’s been there all year, although it’s worse now. I think it has a lot to do with my MSc project not getting of the ground, and also doing too much sitting around doing theoretical work. The awesome thing is that I didn’t even sit down and think about a habit that I should change, it just happened.

I was here, at my flat, last night, trying to mail my supervisors to get this damn Brettanomyces wine show on the road, whilst listening to Jamie Lidell. And It happened. I started dancing. And I danced and danced and danced. See, the thing is, I love dancing. More than lots of things. But, for some reason, I’ve not really done that in a while. Perhaps because I’ve been too unfit to enjoy it, perhaps because my friend who I always used to dance with hasn’t been feeling like it, perhaps because the DJ at the club we always go to has been sucking, and perhaps because the living situation hasn’t been as conducive to listening to weird music and doing a random boogie. But wow. It felt so so so good. i know, it was a little exercise-endorphin trip, but it was also more than that. And I thought, damn! I need to do this more. So i’ve resolved to do it more or less every day.

By the way, it’s working already…

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